H.E Raila Odinga on Africa Day: Africans helped to shape many countries around the globe
H.E Raila Odinga on Africa Day: Africans helped to shape many countries around the globe
< 1 min read

H.E Raila Odinga’s message on Africa Day resonates across Africa especially if one takes into consideration the issue of brain drain.

H.E Raila Odinga’s message on Africa Day:

Africans helped to shape many countries around the globe that proceeded to become great nations. It’s time we apply our thoughts and energies and resources towards making our continent greater than those we helped build.

On this day, let’s reflect on our painful struggle to liberate ourselves and reject all attempts to take ourselves back into slavery and colonialism through actions that negate why we fought for freedom.

In an earlier century, our ancestors were forcefully taken through the “doors of no return,” to start a journey of slavery and shame in distant lands.

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In the 21st Century, the irony of our people now willfully walking through those gates to the same destinations in search of opportunities should pain and push us into action.

Our youth are our greatest resource and they are growing up in a better Africa than their ancestors, we must mould them so that they may achieve their full potential.

Finally, fellow Africans, wherever we are, whatever our circumstances, we must be unbowed. We must demand dignity and respect. We must give decency and expect decency in return. After all, we are the cradle of mankind.

By H.E Raila Odinga

H.E Raila Odinga was the Prime Minister of Kenya from 2008-2013. He is the African Union High Representative For infrastructure Development.


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